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Style panel overview

Style panel overview

In the Webflow Designer, the style panel is where you can customize how elements look, as well as how they respond to interaction.

In the Webflow Designer, the style panel is where you can customize how elements look, as well as how they respond to interaction. Here you can create a class, which lets you not only style elements, but also reuse styles throughout the project.

You can access the style panel by clicking the paintbrush icon at the top right of the Webflow Designer, or by using the shortcut S on your keyboard.

We’ll cover two things in this introductory video:

  1. The selector section
  2. What the blue and orange indicators mean

This is it. This is the Style Panel. From here, we can control each and every aspect of styling. We can create classes which let us reuse our styles throughout the project.

And we’re going to cover some of the more powerful features and functions of the Style Panel. And this will give us extremely granular control over the way elements are styled throughout our project.

Three things we'll cover: the top section which includes our Selector field, the anatomy of the style sections, and the indicators we'll see when we're using the Style Panel.

Let's start at the top. When we select an element, we can see the element type right at the top of the Style Panel.

Under that is the Selector field. This is where we'll see the option to select a class or a tag which will apply to the selected element. When we're styling, we'll see that class or tag right inside the Selector field.

The other feature here is the target icon. This will give us a page and project count — how many times this class or tag is used.

We can even click on this to toggle a pink or magenta outline to identify these elements if they're visible.

For now, we'll move on to the various style sections.

Some of these have an Advanced toggle. When we activate or deactivate that option, the number of options we can see increases or decreases.

We can also collapse any of these style sections. We can click right on the label for each pane to collapse or expand.

And as we go through Layout, Typography, Background — we can see all the CSS properties we can visually manipulate. We've created instructional content on each of these, but something we want to highlight right now is the indicators we can already see on the screen.

In the Style Panel, orange indicators tell us that a value is being inherited from somewhere else. If we click that orange indicator, we can see exactly where the style is coming from.

If our current class or tag has its own value for something, that's indicated in blue.

So when we collapse these style sections — when these panes are collapsed, the blue and orange indicators are giving us a quick overview so we can glance and see what's affecting the current class or tag.

Now, we can also use the Inheritance Menu to quickly visualize and select from the different classes and tags affecting our current styling. We can make a change — in this case we're changing the font — then, at any time, go right back to where we were styling.

So. We have the top section which contains our Selector field: show's what we're styling.

We have our style sections, which can collapse or expand — these panes give us control over all our CSS properties — all our styling options.

And finally, we have orange and blue indicators. Orange means whatever we're styling is inheriting a value from something else, and blue means we've added or styled something on the current class or tag.

We'll cover all of this comprehensively — but this is a good overview of the layout and the anatomy of the Style Panel.

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